Saturday, August 21, 2010

What's ur favourite cake from secret recipe?

mine is oreo cheesecake. :)What's ur favourite cake from secret recipe?
oreo cheesecake

new york cheesecake

marble cheesecake...What's ur favourite cake from secret recipe?
choc with banana inside...ummmmm....nyummmy!!!!


Chocolate indulgence,

Mouse cake,

Chocolate brownies,

Chocolate banana cake,

I ate a chocolate indulgence and a chocolate brownie for my birthday!
mine is chocolate banana..

so sweet!…
Durian Cake (seasonal)

Toffee Banana (or is it Chocolate Banana)

that cheesecake with coffee flavour

Have you tried La Manila's? I once tried an Orange Cheesecake which was very good!

i love :

- oreo cheesecake

- chocolate indulgence

- cheese choc

- yoghurt cheese

- choco banana

- choco chip walnut.. make me lapar la!
Girl, do you realize that this is like a FREE advertisement for Secret Recipe?

Oh who cares anyway? so indulging in yummy yummy yummmmmmmmyyyyyyyy choccolate indulgence....hehehe.
too many..i dont know which one is my favourite
all of them!

eat cake indulging!
NY cheesecake

Chocolate Fudge
apa is 'secret recipe'?

tak paham
whatever la I 'm cake lover
me like Jeffy lah....yoghurt cheesecake and mmm that blueberry cheese one...
I eat the one with carrot slice long time ago, I still can 'taste' the deliciousness ~yay~
Choc indulgence......i luv choc cakes..
i dont have la, but i sure want to try your recipe :). so bila mau belanja :p.

Jeffy:- can you belanja too....:)
chocolate indulgence...among my engagement gift :)

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